
    Changes in the Industrial Structure over the Past 40 Years Since China’s Reform and Opening-up and Outlook

    Created On:  2017-09-22    Views:


    From the strategic height of adapting to the restructuring of the global value chain, the book offers highly focused research into the evolution rules and policy principles of the division of labor across the global value chain, targets the commanding height of future industrial development, and tracks new coordinates in the global value chain. Through the control of the global value chain from low-end to high-end industries, the improvement of conditions and benefits of trade will eventually meet the purpose of transforming the trade structure, industrial structure, and ways of economic development, and vigorously expand the development space of China’s economy. That’s both necessary in theory and urgent in practice, and will greatly promote the construction of the modern economic system and the growth of China’s economy.


    • Introduction to the changes of the industrial structure over the 40 years since China’s reform and opening-up and outlook

    • The competitiveness of China’s industries and trade in the global value chain

    • The extent and positioning of China’s participation in the global value chain

    • Gains and competitive advantage of trade in the context of the global value chain

    • Building the new-type economic system led by innovation

    • Innovation-driven development: Theories and Practice

    • Obstacles to innovation in China’s current economic system

    • Building the new-type economic system led and supported by innovation

    • Evolution of the industrial structure over the past 40 years since China’s reform and opening-up

    • Industrial development since China’s reform and opening-up

    • Problems in China’s industrial structure

    • Future direction of China’s industrial development

    • How to give play to the role of industrial policies in China’s industrial upgrade

    • The mixed ownership system reform: Creating a world-class enterprise

    • The rise and fall of township enterprises

    • The rise of foreign invested enterprises

    • Transformation of Chinese private enterprises

    • Evolution of state-owned enterprise reform in China

    • Industrial efficiency from the perspective of coordinated regional development

    • Objectively analyzing the regional gap in China

    • Preferred path to balanced development

    • Efforts to narrow regional gap over the past decade and achievements

    • Loss of efficiency under the objective of gross balance

    • Policy choice to promote coordinated regional development

    • Development of Industry 4.0 in Germany and Its inspiration to China’s manufacturing transformation

    • Background for the proposal of Industry 4.0 in Germany

    • Contents of Industry 4.0 in Germany

    • Internal and external difficulties facing the implementation of Industry 4.0 in Germany

    • The technical foundation for Industry 4.0 and the advantages of Germany

    • The inspiration of German industry to the transformation of China’s real economy

    • Organization differentiation and enterprise competition: Taking Toyota and Geely as Examples

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