  • Secretariat

    Director:Yang Huijun

    Deputy Director:Yang Weijian

    Function:​Keep the public informed about the work of the Academy through the media; formulate monthly and annual review of the Academy's work; organize internal conferences

  • Administration Division

    Deputy Director:Li Qing

    Function:​Personnel work including recruitment, performance assessment, salary adjustment, etc.; organize conferences; apply for funds and review expenditure; logistics support work

  • Research Division

    Deputy Director:Vacancy

    Function:Provide timely research on key issues in the forms of Key Reference, Suvey Report, etc.; effectively submit findings to the leadership: the central government, Shanghai municipal people's government

  • Planning and Cooperation Division

    Director:Zhang Henglong

    Deputy Director:Li Chunguang

    Function:Liaise with CASS, ministries of the State, departments of Shanghai municipal people's government, Shanghai University and international institutions; organize international conferences

Research Centers

  • Li Peilin

    Center for Survey and Data

    Conduct research on national social stability

  • Zhang Jiang

    Center for Cultural Development

    Conduct research on world cultural development, fine traditions of ethnic culture, and practices and Shanghai cultural innovation practices and strategies 

  • Wang Wei

    Center for World Archaeology

    Conduct world archaeological research with the platform of World Archaeology Forum

  • Cai Fang

    Center for Urban-rural Coordinated Development

    Conduct research on urbanization, regional economy, population, and issues related to agriculture, rural areas and rural peopl

  • Li Yang

    Center for Modern Finance

    Carry out research on financial product innovation, international financial supervision, construction of international financial system, etc. 

  • Zheng Bingwen

    Center for Modern Charity

    Conduct studies on the development law of modern charities, policy theories, etc. 

  • Pei Changhong

    Center for Free Trade Area

    Conduct research on the institutional innovation of China Free Trade Zones, international trading system, and the development of Free Trade Zones​

  • Li Youmei

    Center for Urban Social Governance

    Conduct research on urban development, urban community governance, social structure and organization, community governance, etc.

  • Tang Xujun

    Center for World Media

    Conduct research focusing on news communication in Shanghai and China

  • Zhang Yunling

    Center for International and Strategic Studies

    Conduct studies on international issues to serve Shanghai